TKA Soshum 1 - UTBK 2021

Daftar: 08 Sep, 00:46 - 20 Sep 2020, 15:00 Ujian: 18 Sep, 06:00 - 20 Sep 2020, 23:59 3.373

Jumlah soal: 50

60 menit

Sesi Ujian

Sesi Jumlah Soal Waktu
TO 1 | Mat Soshum | TKA Soshum - Matematika Soshum 10 15 menit
TO 1 | Ekonomi | TKA Soshum - Ekonomi 10 15 menit
TO 1 | Geografi | TKA Soshum - Geografi 10 10 menit
TO 1 | Sejarah | TKA Soshum - Sejarah 10 10 menit
TO 1 | Sosiologi | TKA Soshum - Sosiologi 10 10 menit